This shot would be the very first shot in the music video just before the music starts. It will introduce the narrative as it shows a women looking out the window seeing her boyfriend with another man. This is effective as it’s a POV shot; it also gives the sense of secrecy as the boy doesn’t know she can see him.

This shot will happen seconds before the start of the music. This shot shows the woman’s eye after witnessing what her boyfriend is doing. As it is an ECU of an eye it introduces the “Wide Eyed” subject, this is effective as the title is interoperated into the music video. As there will be tear falling from her eye it shows that she is upset about what she has witnessed.
The next shot is after a zoom into the pupil of the eye, to suggest the band is playing inside the eye. The music will start as the band is shown. The band will be shown performing all the way through the introduction. During this part of the song there will also be number of CU of instruments and members of the band. As the beat of the song increases throughout the introduction, the light will also get brighter simultaneously. The location for these shots will be in a dark(ish) room for example a garage, with important words and pictures from the narrative in the background and in the surroundings.
This shot will be at the start of the first verse. This shot is a CU of the male in the narrative, which is also going to be the lead singer in the band. This shot will show him being upset about something which is later shown in the music video.

This shot is a MS showing what the man was looking at that made him upset, which was his ex and a friend laughing and joking while she is “eyeing up” another boy. This is effective as the narrative fits in with the lyrics of the song which are “she’s probably got her eye on a different guy”. Another reason why this is effective as it shows him seeing her with someone else with out her knowing, just like the beginning of the video but with the other member of the relationship, which also gives contrast between the two characters and shows that they have been through a similar thing as each other.

This shot shows the boy and his mum talking in his room, while he’s upset about what he has witnessed while looking at a picture of the two of them together. This shot also fits in with the lyrics of the song which are “Ma says it’s not awfully cold outside, but I do feel cold right now”. These lyrics mean that she is saying to him it’s not too cold to leave but he thinks that it is, and he doesn’t want to leave and forget her.

This shot will be a CU of the picture he is looking at of him and her together. This will be effective as it will put the audience in his shoes and show what he is looking at and will show them why he is upset so that they can emphasise with him.

The following shot will be after the camera has zoomed out of the picture and it shows that it’s one of them that are hanging around the band. The shots of the band will be showing CU of them and there instruments and well as MS of the band all together. These shots will last until the second verse.

This shot will be a CU of the hands of a clock moving round a clock at a fast pace. This will be effective as it fits in with the lyrics that are talking about time moving on, and clocks ticking also symbolise time moving on.
While the clock is ticking it will slowly morph into an eye. This will be effective as it once again shows the Wide Eyed subject. The camera will once again zoom into the eye but instead of going into the band it will show more of the narrative.
This MS shows the man singing the rest of the verse until the chorus. While he is singing the chorus he will also be walking past some of the locations that have been seen in the video so far, for example where he saw his ex with another man. The end of this shot will be him walking past a row of houses, which will introduce the next part of the narrative.

This shot shows the man walking past more houses just after putting flowers on a doorstep and ringing he bell. This shot is effective as it suggests it’s outside his ex’s house but he doesn’t want to stay just in case she throws it back in his face, which may make the situation worse for him.

The final shot will be of her reading the message after picking up the flowers on her doorstep. The shot will end after she looks down the road, where he is nowhere to be seen and she closes the front door. This shot will be effective as it leaves the music video on a cliff-hanger about what she is going to do about him. After this shot there will be a number of flashbacks of the two together, that fit with the beat of the music. The last picture will be a still of the band performing, which will show the band for one last time in the music video.
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