Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Things that have inspired me

The following list os of things i have seen in music videos that have inspired me:
  • POV
  • band playing with audience watching
  • rebellious
  • mocking something- eg nirvana mocking Americans in Smells like Teen Spirit
  • insired by one topic eg art- peter Gabriel- Sledgehammer
  • lyrics very faint rising up screen (but written backwards)- radiohead- no surprises
  • just singer in background- CU- one headshot
  • contrasts between 2 different things

REM- everybody hurts

  • words at bottom of screen- shows what people are thinking?
  • only lyrics shown are chorus
  • video shows different people upset- tells why in words- everybody hurts (sometimes)
  • no performance til right at the end

Thursday, 17 June 2010

conventions of music video

Camera- zooms in/out, focus on band- especially singer,

shadows, mis-en-scene reflects atmoshpere, equal division of shots upon band members OR focus on key members, highlighting (looking down), bright lighting, high angle/ low angle,
CU and ECU
animation and video special effects
colour effects- black & white


Intertextuality- refers to the process of one media "borrowing" ideas from another existing text- can be seen as "post-modern". Draws audience into text

representation- glamour/ pop style lifestyle, playing out popstar lifestyle, mean/ moody men, seductive poses from females, anti- establishment activity, deserted locatios and straight forward narratives, guitar solos, all playing to audience, trying to portray certiain image, voyeurism- watching someone when they don't know, urban locations, crowd shots, destroyed environments,